Tuesday, January 09, 2007

You just can't escape the BBC

I thought I was the only one from the BBC out here, but no. It seems half the department is out here on a jolly. I guess I should let off Coley and Manish as they are out here for work. It was nice to catch up with a few of the gang, even if everyone was a bit depressed over the terrible cricket. I went to the Twenty20 yesterday and we were fairly terrible plus I had to sit next to a rather obese woman who took up all of her seat and a chunk of mine too. Ah well. Have been doing a few of the sites the last week including the Olympic Stadium, did a bit more surfing (marginal improvement from last time) and rather scarily turned 31. On the upside of the aging thing I did manage to celebrate over two days which was nice. I also booked myself into a nice hotel for a few nights which was very handy on Sunday when i was feeling a bit rough and so watched TV movies all day. Currently trying to change my flight to New Zealand so I leave a week earlier, but it's proving a bit difficult. Hopefully Quantas will sort it soon...


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Glen said...

Happy B'Day or should that be Happy G'Day Coops?!? Hope you had a good one. The less said about Liverpool the better. I understand that Michael Jackson has asked Benitez if he'll be his manager. The reason? He likes the idea of being spanked by kids at home...


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