Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I've been doing a fair bit of travelling recently. First up was the Indian Pacific, the train that goes from Perth to Adelaide and then onto Sydney. I only went as far as Adelaide but that was still a 2 day journey. The train started really slowly and never really went that fast the whole journey. Apparently it averages 85km an hour but it seemed a lot slower. The start was just getting out of Perth and the suburbs, but soon we were in the bush. There were still quite a few trees about and then gradually less and less, a couple of kangaroos and then no animals. That night we got to Kalgoorlie-Boulder which is a mining towwn. i signed up for a tour because we were supposed to go to "The Superpit" which is a massive goldmine. Unfortunately due to a thunderstorm they couldn't let us in as the residual electricity could set off the explosives there...so I was stuck with a ratehr dull hour long bus trip round the towns with a dull guide who had a cold and seemed unable to say 'the' or 'then' without adding a 'guh' - it was most strange. The empty seats on teh other side of the aisle filled up with a family with 2 really well behaved kids and one annoying child who whined the whole journey. the next day we hit the Nullabor desert which is not an aboriginal name but based on the latin 'null arbor'meaning no trees. there were indeed no trees for most of the day except in a small toen called Cook where they tried to grow alot and a few are still there. There is also the longest stretch of straight track in the world - around 477km - so I spent quite a bit of time reading books. Didn't have much sleep any night, but was an interesting thing to say I've done.
I did a lightning trip to Adelaide as I was only there for 24 hours but managed to go see a museum and do some washing so I guess it was productive enough!


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