Kangaroos are a bit stupid...

...but I'll get to that later. Took a trip to a Litchfield National Park, which is like the Kakadus but closer to Darwin and smaller as well. Also went on a cruise on the Adelaide river, where they get crocs to jump up and grab food off a line. Think it's a bit of animal exploitation, but fairly imressive nonetheless. Did a fair bit of swimming (but not in that river) and then it rained!Fortunately not for long, and the rain here is pretty warm, but it was not what we wanted. Strangely there are a lot of Germans here who all speak really good english, so was hanging out with a few of them in Darwin as well as a Canadian from Alberta and then one night we seemed to acquire a dutch guy, a dane and 2 french-canadians from Quebec which was quite random but good value as there was a band playing at "The Vic" which were ok as well. The vic is a big backpacker venue, which plays relatively stupid games, but if you have a nice tour guide then they give you many meal voucheers which gets you free dinner every night!
On Saturday I headed to the deckchair cinema, which was good, the deckchairs are fairly comfortable and they give you a pillow as well. Saw Wah-Wah, which is Richard E Grant's semi-biog thing. It was ok, but the most interesting bit was when a bat flew overhead!
The next day I started my epic trek on the Greyhound Bus. 10 hours to Kununurra, there's not a lot to do there, but I was staying 2 nights to break up the journey so spent the 1st day getting up very early to go to a place called the Hidden Valley which is a national park right on the edge of the town. It was good, but very hot. Later that day I went to Kelly's Knob - which is actually a big hill that you get a good view of the sunset from! Yesterday I spent the day mainly in the swimming pool as it was 40 degrees in the shade and so too hot to do anything. Had to get the bus at 6pm for the overnight trip to Broome. This is where the kangaroos come in. They have suicidal tendancies. We hit at least 3 in the bus, most of whioch were small, but one must have been pretty hefty as it broke a headlight and put a big dent in the front of the bus. They are really dense, I was watching one that stood at the side of the road and then just as we got to it it darted out. Fortunately we swerved that one, but they have no idea of the green cross code. We also narrowly missed a cow that had wandered into the road as well, but made it to Broome intact. There's not much here either, but I'm staying near cable beach, which is supposed to be one of the best beaches in the world, am about to head there, so will soon be able to agree or not!
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