Spending too much money but having fun
Sorry am getting a bit carried away with the photos, but hey I like them!
I've been pretty busy lately. Headed down from Auckland to Hahei on the Coromandel Penninsula. I went sea kayaking there to a place called Cathedral Cove which was fun then we went to Hot Springs Beach where they have hot springs under the sand, so you dig down and can have your own hot spa pool which was really fun especially when you went into the water (v cold)then back into the hot pool. The next day we headed to Raglan which is known as one of the best spots to surf in New Zealand - apparently Jack Johnson has a place there - so I did a bit of (not very elegant) surfing there. That night I was having a shower and a stick insect jumped onto my head and shoulder which I relly didn't appreciate much. More fun was the flying fox they had set up near the lodge which we went on in the dark so you couldn't see where you were going. The next day we got up early and went to Waitomo where I went Tumu Tumu Toobing which is blackwater rafting. There was alot of crawling in wet underground caves and only about 10 minutes toobing, but it was still a good laugh. We then turbo'd it to Rotorua where I went zorbing then had a good night out at a foam party.
The next day was another early start for some whitewater rafting on the Kaituna River. It is a grade 5 river, mainly cos of the 7 metre waterfall you raft down!One of the rafts got totally wiped out going down the waterfall which was funny for us but less so for the guys who were in it as some of them were under for a while. That evening we went to Taupo where some people on my bus went sky diving but I didn't as I value my life! the next day we were going to do the Tongariro crossing which is supposed to be one of the best one day walks in the world but the weather was lousy so most of us bailed out and did a 2 hour walk instead. That night we went to a local bar and got very drunk as the bar man kept buying us free shots to go with the large quantities of beer we were drinking. As we then ended up getting takeaways to go back to the hostel I was still drunk when we left the next morning. At least I didn't get a hangover though!